Master Degree in the fine art of China Painting
Subject: China painting in all its multiple applications
Length: 2 years + 2 years of specialization
Country: Italy
Admissions: Advanced students in China painting only.
This program is not suited for beginners.
The students have to follow a given program developed overall the time of the master, with seminars of increasing difficulty.
A final examination proof will be required at the end and the vote of this examination will add up to the votes of each and every seminar to give the final vote of admission.
If satisfactory, the student will get a Master Degree in china painting.
The Master degree will enforce the possibility of taking up teaching experiences and transmit to more people the love of this wonderful art.
Some specialized programs, as the Sokrates “DAP Project for Three generation”, or other special institutional paths, can be followed in parallel and will be considered as credits for the final evaluation.
Specific requirements:
Students must be over eighteen, or have a specific agreement on behalf of their parents, to join the program.
The program must be completed in a given time.
If the student suspends it for longer than 12 months, he will have to start all over again.
In every solar year the student has to complete at least three seminars with Mr.Hayes.
The total number of satisfactory completed seminars has to be of at least 6 seminars, plus one final exam, to reach the First Certificate.
In Italy the program will start in the fall and run over the next four years.
After two years there will be a first partial examination proof and the students that complete it successfully, will be awarded the First Certificate for China painting.
At the end of the complete program (four years), a Graduation ceremony will be hold with the presence of all Authorities and the students will be awarded with a Final Advanced Certificate.
Sponsors of the program:
1) NWFA – Pensacola
2) The Hayes Foundation Pensacola – Florida
3) Hobbyceram s.r.l. – Milano – Italy

This is a first information. Please require the application form and return it duly filled to:
– Mr. Stephen Hayes : P.O.Box 12586 908 East Brainerd – Pensacola – Florida –USA or – Hobbyceram s.r.l. Via P.L.da Palestrina 13 –20124 Milano – Italia
A Professor charged by N.W.F.A. will supervise all lessons of the Master Program following Stephen Merlin Hayes’s Motto “it is impossible to make a mistake” that, in other words means that each and everyone of us has an artistic capability which only needs its own means of expression. So no matter if you are a professional or simply a lover of art, if you are young or aged, it is possible to teach you the language of art giving you the way to express your own ideas and your own sensibility to produce rewarding masterpieces. The Tutor is the link between the, N.W.F.A. and Hobbyceram in Italy and the master student. The Tutor of the Master Program will follow the students all through their learning period and thanks to his deep knowledge of the art of porcelain painting as well as the European and American way to approach it, he will help then to sort out all arising difficulties.
The N.W.F.A.: is a non profit arts and educational institution dedicated to inspiring awareness and appreciation of the visual arts. The Museum serves the Community through its exhibits as well as maintaining a permanent collection and by offering educational opportunities. The focus of the permanent Collection of the Museum is 19th, 20th and 21st century works. The Museum is pleased to support the Fine Art of China Painting as a complete form of artistic expression.
Caran d’Ache of Switzerland: this company is one of the leaders in the superior artist materials production, and supports the Master Program in the absolute convinction that artists, in whatever field they work, deserve the right materials to be able to express the best of their inner creativity. Furthermore, when graduated from the Master Program, all students will become Masters and will therefore transmit to others their faithfullness to this line of top products.
Hobbyceram Srl: with its International School of Fine Arts, Hobbyceram is supporting this first European Program for higher education in the Fine Arts of China Painting. Hobbyceram also produces kilns and materials for professionals and amateurs of this wonderful art. The Master Program is a way of constant and systematic education that will bring the artist to Master level and will give the Master new tools to spread his knowledge teaching his way to others. Hobbyceram always supports seminars and classes all over the world. In particular Hobbyceram takes part in the European Educational DAP Sokrates Project “Porcelain Painting as a common language of communication” with particular attention to handycap carriers, elder people, and young artists.

Stephen Merlin Hayes – Pensacola – Florida